I start with that title because it makes me think of whats really important.
No true knowledge about life I have is something profound and new that I came up with, but the TRUE knowledge has come from God showing me and teaching me what this life is really about.
So here is what I have learned...
1. Choosing to really Follow Jesus Christ was the best decision I've ever made.
2. Learning how to submit to His WILL can be the hardest thing, especially when you think you know what is best.... you're lying to yourself. haha.
3. He uses you even when you feel like you are falling short and not holding up your end of the bargain... the truth is we are never able to do it "all" and hold up our end of the bargain. Example: Sending His only Son to die for us, because on our own we would never be able to achieve salvation.
Words used to describe our God
Sovereign- having supreme rank, power, or authority; supreme; preeminent; indisputable; greatest in degree; utmost or extreme.
Holy- entitled to worship or veneration as or is if sacred.
Awesome- inspiring awe. (Awe-an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful.)
5. Serving God with the talents He has given me are way more meaningful to me than anything that I could ever conjure up on my own.
6. Always trying to have a heart that is open to Him!
7. Listening to Him is way more important than telling Him what you think is important.
So far this is what I know that God has taught me about life so far.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
So have you ever noticed that you are drawn to certain things? I know that there certain things that catch my eye and i don't always have an explaination as to why this is, but there are some pictures of things that i really like.
The first picture that i would like to look at is an old album cover of a CD released by my church movement forever ago; the CD was entitled "Your Love Reaches Me" and also the name of one of my favorite worship songs.
You are the fountain of my life And in your light I find my reason('Cause) Your love reaches to the stars Even the great deep (And) Your love reaches to this heart And it makes me sing Your love reaches me It's what I needI t's what I need Your love reaches me It's what I need It's what I need Oh Lord, how priceless Is your unending love Both high and low Find refuge in your shadow
but at the end the singer says this, "Your love reaches me like the rivers run to the sea" that just makes me think of a river cutting through miles of rock and stone and dirt just to get to that dry basin which becomes the sea in us that fills up with his love.
As for the picture, it's simple not complex. We shall come before Him and bow because we want to honor Him and we bring something of beauty and worth before because He deserves our best.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
For unto us a Saviour came Amazing grace that takes the weight His name is hope for all the earth His name now and beyond this life God with us And You shall be called Almighty God And we shall declare Your name is higher, higher Jesus Christ Your name is glorious Your name is greater, sweeter In all the earth, higher, higher Now unto me, the Christ revealed For you so loved and love me still So great and greatly to be praised are You So great and greatly to be praised I owe You my life I will worship You forever I owe You my life I will live to bring You praises...
I listened to this song today... There are parts that I couldn't just get out of my head, like "For unto us a Saviour came Amazing grace that takes the weight," the important part is unto us, it is the fact that He came to us! The other part is "His name is hope for all the earth," not just just people in the United States, not just Christians, not just everybody alive today, but all the earth's hope is only found in Him! So many people are concerned about good causes and good intentions, but if our hope was truly in Him would we really have to worry about causes and intentions? No, but there are so many problems with things because so many people's hope really aren't based in Him! I think its ironic that so many people put their "hope" in Barack Obama and the government because in the end he's only a politician and he has a agenda of his own. He's not the answer he's just a person like you and me. This isn't a political rant this is just a statement of where people look to for the hope.
I love the end of the song because we really do owe our lives to Him because of what He was willing to do for us... So many people over look that... think about it.
I listened to this song today... There are parts that I couldn't just get out of my head, like "For unto us a Saviour came Amazing grace that takes the weight," the important part is unto us, it is the fact that He came to us! The other part is "His name is hope for all the earth," not just just people in the United States, not just Christians, not just everybody alive today, but all the earth's hope is only found in Him! So many people are concerned about good causes and good intentions, but if our hope was truly in Him would we really have to worry about causes and intentions? No, but there are so many problems with things because so many people's hope really aren't based in Him! I think its ironic that so many people put their "hope" in Barack Obama and the government because in the end he's only a politician and he has a agenda of his own. He's not the answer he's just a person like you and me. This isn't a political rant this is just a statement of where people look to for the hope.
I love the end of the song because we really do owe our lives to Him because of what He was willing to do for us... So many people over look that... think about it.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Inside the lines.
have you ever seriously thought about the decisions you make? or why you might choose one thing over another? something I realized is that I have an easier time making decisions with tough things, its not like I rush into things, but more so where I stand. I realize that a lot of people are not in place where I'm at and that some people will choose certain things because thats whats "comfortable" for them even if they don't realize it or won't admit it. So what if the trail is long or you can't see exactly whats coming around the next turn? thats part of life... NOT KNOWING! But you have to have FAITH and TRUST that its going to work on in the end... I really don't like when people are so shortsighted because thats like saying I'm only willing to go this far(draws a line in the dirt). So my question is who really wants to live their life like that? inside the lines....
The Glory of what God has Created
We drove all the way up to lake pleasant to watch a meteor show. But for me it wasn't even about seeing the meteors I was just excited to be out under the stars! I just think it symbolizes how are lives go cause when we are able to get away from city and bright lights, suddenly we realize how bright those stars really are. When you really take a step back from your life and look at what God has done it's amazing! but what's even crazy is watching God work in your life and acknowledge that it's happening! Currently there is pretty crazy stuff going on in my life, and i finally just came to the conclusion the other day that i'm not gonna fight it anymore and that i'm gonna let Him take control...but i think it might be a good idea to trust in Him. One of friends said interesting stuff the other day when i told them about whats going on, the first one was "My fear lies in the passion" and this so true to how i feel! i am so excited, but at the same time so scared! it's a weird feeling..the other one was "Its right at the peak of the roller coaster! Get ready for a ride!" You know what?! Honestly I'm ready for something intense!The Scripture that was one my mind tonight was Psalms 19:1-61The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. 3 There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. 4 Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun, 5 which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. 6 It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is hidden from its heat. You wanna know whats crazy is that i remember that from young life camp my junior year of high school... i remember the camp speaker talking about how stars and sky just showing the glory of God! i remember going back to my cabin that night and highlighting all of it... its funny things come back into play later :)
Things that have crossed my mind lately
Some scripture stuff that has crossed my mind recently pertains to both the beginning and the end of the bible, the reason that i bring this stuff up is because is the striking similarity.Genesis 2:8-108 Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. 9 And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 10 A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters.Revelation 22:1-51Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. 3No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. 4They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. 5There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.The reason that i find these things so interesting is how many times in the story of adam and eve is the fact that the TREE OF LIFE is left out of that story so often. I think that this relates to the arguement of free will and the choice that we had, but that we chose to be this way over something that was ultimately better. But in Revelation 22 it brings up the Tree of Life once again. I think that this relates to God's ultimate plan to get rid of evil for good. Some of the things that are interesting are at the end of verse 2 , "And leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations." and also the beginning of verse 3, "No longer will there be and curse." This is interesting because the tree is being used to solve something thats wrong with us. Now the thing that i find even more interesting later in Revelation 22 is in verse 14.14"Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.So in this verse those who have been cleansed by the blood of the Lamb, now have the right to tree and to enter the city. So now we have been justified and now we are able to return to a state that we were created to be in and now we can make choose the thing we were meant to.This is something that I have been thinking about for awhile.
Definition of Trust- reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.I think that this is very interesting looking at the word trust... especially in our relationship to Christ, because we choose to do things on our own whim whithout consulting Him first. why is that? why do we say we trust him one minutes then the next thing we know are doing something just based on the fact of "well i think this is what i want." After evaluating my own life over the past few years, I know I'm an offender in the worst degree, but also as of late looking at a lot of the people around me made me realize whats going on... we say that all of that salvation stuff and dying for our sins is great and all, but when it comes to my life this is what i want it to be like, i want this kind of job, i wanna meet this kind of guy or girl, this is where i want to live, i want this kind of house, i want this many kids, and so on and so on.... so if we trust Jesus so much why do we try to tell Him what to do? Doesn't it seem silly trying to tell the God of the Universe what to do?Maybe we should speak less and listen more.
With Time to Spare...
When everything runs through my mind, whether it be the things i have to do pertaining to school, young life, my future, my friends, or whatever else.. these thoughts all seem to hit me all at once with out disreguard to what that does to me, losing sleep and making myself feel sick about it. I know most people see me as someone who is goofy, sarcastic, and is pretty easy going, and i'm not saying that isn't part of me, cause it is. But there is another part of me that has much more deeper and concerned thoughts and emotions about where i'm going and where this journey is taking me and who's gonna be part of it. Today my mom asked me how i was doing and i told her i was stressed and why is everything all at once? and she said well life isn't always easy... good point. and i was talking to my good friend kelly the other day and i told her that my life motto should be, "i don't know!" cause sometime i don't where i stand. i know there are some of you that i'm pretty open with as far as life goes, and some of you have been there longer than others but i'm so thankful you have been there to listen to listen to my frustrations and rantings. On my way to school this morning i saw a sign infront of a church that said, "try your best, and let Jesus do the rest." Corny, but a great point.
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